Sunday, May 3, 2015

Hexagonal Water and Structured Water... Is there really something to it, or is it just a Scam?

Hexagonal-WaterI have heard people say that "Hexagonal Water" is just a marketing scam.  I spent a few hours looking into this, and I learned there are many books written on the subject. These books were written by scientists and doctors that devoted decades to studying and writing about structured water. They were NOT involved in marketing or sales. I have listed two books on this page that were written by doctors who do endorse a particular type of water made with a medical device used in hospitals, but the leading books (written by those who spent the most time researching and writing about structured water) were written by people who had no affiliation with a particular company.

What is Hexagonal/Structured Water? (Definition and photo from this page at

The most most stable structure of liquid  water is a crystalline geometric structure formed by eight  water molecules (the Star Tetrahedron or Kepler's Star). From a profile view it’s form can be seen to be the shape of a perfect hexagon.  This specific geometry  produces an effect called ‘molecular coherence’.  Molecular coherence amplifies water’s natural abilities to archive and transfer information, similar to quartz crystal used in computers and watches.


The leading expert on the subject, Dr. Mu Shik Jhon, spent forty years studying structured water. My question is, why would someone spend that long learning about and writing about hexagonal water if there wasn't anything to it? If these people truly were scammers, it seems to me that their time would be better spent trying to scam people, and make money, than doing actual research.  

His bio was taken from this page at
Dr Jhon is the worlds leading authority on water science. His last book “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key”, summarizes over 40 years of  scientific research, documenting the structural qualities of water.
In this book, now translated in five languages, the  author presents scientific evidence showing that the hexagonal structure of water, is preferred by all biological organisms - that it is  involved in the healthy function of the DNA, enzyme reactions and  numerous metabolic functions.

In 1986 Dr Jhon officially presented his theory "Molecular Water Environment".
He found that the reinstatement of hexagonal water in our body can improve vitality, retard aging and prevent disease. The process of aging is also a function of a body's loss of hexagonal water from it's cells.

Dr. Mu Shik Jhon's Education:

B.S., Chemistry, Seoul National University, Korea, 1954
M.S., Chemistry, Seoul National University, Korea, 1958
Ph.D., Chemistry, University of Utah, 1966
Experience Academic
1971 to 2004.       Professor of Chemistry, and Dean of Faculty (1971-1972), Director for Molecular Science (1990 to 1999), KEPCO Chair Professor(1992 to 1997), KEPCO Chair Professor Emeritus(1997 to date) Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
1974 to 2004.       Adjunct Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, University of Utah, U.S.A.
1974 to 2004.       President, Korea Research Center for Thoeretical Physics and Chemistry, Seoul, Korea
1986 to 1987.       Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Florida, U.S.A.
1980 February.      Visiting Professor, Kyoto University, Japan
1975 to 1976.       Exchange Professor, University de Paris VI. Paris, France
1971 to 1972.       Research Associate Professor, Chemistry Department, University of Utah, U.S.A.
1969 to 1971.       Head, Liquid State Chemistry Research Lab. Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea
1966 to 1969.       Assistant Professor and Member of the Center for Advanced Studies, University of Virginia, U.S.A.
1961 to 1962.       International Atomic Energy Agency Fellow, Tsing Hwa University, Taiwan
1958 to 1966.       Fulltime Instructor, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea
1969 to 1988.       Chairman and Symposia Leader, Sanibel Symposia(International Quantum Chemistry Symposia) Fla., U.S.A.
1970.              Science Award in Korea (Louise Academy)
1975 to 1978.       Editorial Board, Journal of Bioengineering
1977.              Presidential Award of Science in Korea (the Highest Scientific Honor in Korea)
1984, 1988, 1992, 2000. Korean Representative, 1st, 3rd, 5th & 7th Japan-Korea Joint Symposia in Molecular Science (Okazaki, Japan)
1986, 1990, 1994, 1998. Chairman, Organizing Committee, 2rd, 4th, 6th & 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposia in Molecular Science(Seoul, Korea)
1986 to 2004.       Member, International Advisory Committee, Eurasian Conferences on Chemistry
1986. August.       Invited Scholar, Academy of Science of USSR
1987 to 2004.       Member, Advisory Editorial Committee, Advances in Quantum Chemistry and International Journal of Quantum Chemistry
1987. November.    Ming Yu Visiting Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong
1988 to 2004.       Member, International Organizing Committee, Eurasian Conference in Chemistry
1989 to 1992.       Member, Korean National Commission for UNESCO
1989 to 2004.       Fellow & Council Member(1996 to date) , Third World Academy of Science
1979 to 1991.       Member, Presidential Commission for Science and Technology
1991 to 1993.       Member, Presidential Council for Science and Technology
1994.              1st A.T. Ree's Science Award
1995 to 2004.       Life Fellow, The Korean Academy of Science and Technology
1994 to 2004.       Guest Professor, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry
1996.              Grand Science Award
1996.              "Moran" Merit of Cultural Order, Republic of Korea
1996 to 2004.       Foreign Fellow, The National Academy of Sciences, India
1997 to 2004.       President, Korean Association for the Advancement of Science
1998 to 2001.       President, The Korean Academy of Science and Technology
1999 to 2004.       Foreign Academician, Russian Academy of Science
1999 to 2004.       Foreign Fellow, Pakistan Academy of Sciences
1999 to 2004.       President, National Association for Scientists & Engineers of Korea
2000 to 2004.       Fellow, European Academy of Arts, Sciences & Humanities
2000 to 2004.       President, Association of Academies of Sciences in Asia
2001 to 2004.       Chairman of the Board, The Korean Academy of Science and Technology

280 Publications included the Book, "Significant Liquid Structures", John Wiley and Sons Inc. N.Y. (1969).
One of the reviewers for his book on Amazon notes:
"I have read 20 books on water and hydration, and The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key: Scientific Evidence of Hexagonal Water and Its Positive Influence on Health has the best scientific explanation, with 272 footnoted references to published medical articles. For this reason, it is favored by M.D's and Scientists."

Miracle Molecular Structure of Water by Dr. Yang Oh & Dr. Gil Ho Kim 

Bios From this page:

According to Dr. Yang Oh and Gil-Ho Kim, water possesses differing molecular structures, and the kind of water you drink may relate to bodily dysfunction and disease. Basing their work on the research of Dr. Mu Shik Jhon, the authors conclude that the three different molecular structures of water identified in this book have varied affects on the body. They even point to evidence that seems to indicate abnormal water structure could be related to the abnormal cellular activity that results in cancer and diabetes. Their conclusion: The hexagonal structure of water is the one that promotes health and increases longevity.

ABOUT THE AUTHORS: A native of Korea, Dr. Yang H. Oh holds a Ph.D. in biochemistry from Harvard Medical School. He is retired from a professorship at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. He is currently Director General of his own YHO Bio-Science R/D Center in Houston and also in Korea.

A businessman and researched who was educated at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Gil Ho Kim has served as vice chairman of the Korea Water Purifier Industrial Association. Also a native of Korea, he has worked with the National Association for Scientists and Engineers of Korea and the Korean Association for the advancement of sciences.

The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor by Professor Gerald H. Pollack

Professor Gerald Pollack is Founding Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal, WATER and is recognized as an international leader in science and engineering.

The University of Washington Faculty chose Pollack, in 2008, to receive their highest annual distinction: the Faculty Lecturer Award. He was the 2012 recipient of the coveted Prigogine Medal for thermodynamics of dissipative systems. He has received an honorary doctorate from Ural State University in Ekaterinburg, Russia, and was more recently named an Honorary Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Foreign Member of the Srpska Academy. Pollack is a Founding Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering and a Fellow of both the American Heart Association and the Biomedical Engineering Society. He recently received an NIH Director's Transformative R01 Award for his work on water, and maintains an active laboratory in Seattle.

Pollack's interests have ranged broadly, from biological motion and cell biology to the interaction of biological surfaces with aqueous solutions. His 1990 book, Muscles and Molecules: Uncovering the Principles of Biological Motion, won an "Excellence Award" from the Society for Technical Communication; two subsequent books: Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life, and The Fourth Phase of Water, both won that Society's "Distinguished Award."

Pollack is recognized worldwide as a dynamic speaker and a scientist willing to challenge any long-held dogma that does not fit the facts

About the book:
Professor Pollack takes us on a fantastic voyage through water, showing us a hidden universe teeming with physical activity-- providing simple explanations for common everyday phenomena, which you have inevitably seen but not really understood.
Amazingly, Pollack and colleagues at his University of Washington laboratory have discovered that water is NOT always H2O. When touching most surfaces, water transforms itself into so-called Exclusion Zone (EZ) Water, also known as Structured Water or Fourth Phase Water.
EZ water, whose formula is H3O2, differs dramatically from H2O. And, there is a lot of it, everywhere.
Pollack writes in a clear, eloquent style. Whimsical illustrations and simple diagrams help get his points across in a reader-friendly manner perfectly suitable for non-experts.
The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor won the "Distinguished Award" from the Society for Technical Communication, their highest accolade.

 MJ Pangman is an author and speaker in the field of complementary medicine. Since the year 2000, ever since she observed its powerful effects on her own body, MJ has focused her writing on the subject of structured water. Her book,Hexagonal Water – The Ultimate Solution, is a reflection years of research on the molecular structure of water documenting the emerging evidence in support of its biological significance.

During 2003-2004 MJ worked with the eminent, Korean scientist Dr. Mu Shik Jhon to make his book, The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key, available in English. The book, published in 2004, outlines over 40 years of Dr. Jhon’s research on the structure of water.

MJ’s background in the natural sciences gives her an understanding of chemistry, biology, and quantum physics; her ability to explain the complex in simple terms makes her writing easy and enjoyable to read.

Create A Miracle with Hexagonal Water: The Simple Solution for Vital Health and Longevity by Dr. Howard Peiper, N.D. He was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. (Note: Dr. Peiper does endorse a particular type of structured water - he is one of two doctors listed on this page who do, but I thought their books were still worth listing).

Bio from this page:

Dr. Howard Peiper is a nationally recognized expert in the holistic counseling field. His healing, health care and natural professional credentials extend over a thirty year period and include those of naturopath, author, lecturer, magazine consultant, radio personality and host of a television show, Partners in Healing.

Howard, nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, has written numerous books on nutrition and natural health including 12 best sellers.

The A.D.D. & A.D.H.D. DietZeolite Nature’s Heavy Metal Detoxifier
Viral Immunity with Humic AcidThe Secrets of Staying YoungNutritional Leverage For Great GolfAll Natural High Performance DietNatural Solutions For Sexual EnhancementCancer DisarmedSuper Nutrition for Dogs and Cats
  • Dr. Peiper is co-host of the award winning Television show, Partners in Healing. They feature guests in the alternative healing field including names such as Harvey Diamond, Dr. John Upledger, Dr. Benard Jensen, Gary Null and Dr. Marshall Mandell.
  • Hubbard College in Clearwater Florida honored Dr. Peiper with an achievement award, which recognizes accomplishments and services by people that take the time to help others make healthy choices.
  • Lectures at: NNFA regional meeting, CT Natural Foods Assn, Conference, The Health Show, In Spirit 96 (Chicago), Natural Hygiene Society, N.A.F.F.S. Conference, Gary Null Health Center (FL) and Expo, East Natural Foods Expo (MD), ACAM (FL), Erotica Expo (NY), Anti-Aging(IL), Lecture Tour (SE Asia), Natural Food,Toronto, Canada
  • National Radio appearances include ESPN, Prescriptions for Healing, The Gary Null Show, For the People, Here’s to Your Health, Dr. Wallach’s Wellness Hour, Ann Louise Gittleman’s Vitamin Show, Journey to Wellness, Natural Grocer, and Seeing Beyond. Dr Peiper also hosts a weekly Florida broadcast – Natural Living

Water Codes: The Science of Health, Consciousness, and Enlightenment by Dr. Carly Nuday

Dr. Carly Nuday is a senior researcher and the current Director of Water, Inc., a non-profit dedicated to the education, advancement, and development of water science, As a spiritual scientist, Dr. Nuday has been studying water, bio-water, health, consciousness, and energy sciences her entire life. In 2009 she co-founded Tree of Life Technologies, Inc. with Dr. Apollo Stoppelbein, and together have continued the work of legendary IBM scientist and crystallographer Dr. Marcel Vogel. She holds PhD's in Religious Studies, Spiritual Counseling, and Energy Healing, and currently resides in California.

Dr. Tim McKnight graduated in 1997 from Ohio State University. He got a Bachelors degree in nutrition, then a masters in Nutrition then did his PhD in Nutrition, then he went to med school at Ohio State. He has been in private practice for the past 15 years. His residency Hospital is David Grant USAF medical Center which has been recognized as one of the top U.S. hospitals. He is awarded in Healthgrades Honor Roll as a recognized physician. Dr. McKnight dug deep to find out about ionized water and he shares his findings and summarizes the current research with over 30 pages of abstracts of recent medical research. Dr. McKnight is one of the two authors on this page who endorses a particular type of water. 

Dancing with Water: The New Science of Water by M.J. Pangman, M.S., and Melanie Evans

(Note this is the second book on this page that is authored by MJ Pangman)

MJ Pangman is an author and speaker in the field of complementary medicine. Since the year 2000, ever since she observed its powerful effects on her own body, MJ has focused her writing on the subject of structured water. Her book,Hexagonal Water – The Ultimate Solution, is a reflection years of research on the molecular structure of water documenting the emerging evidence in support of its biological significance.

During 2003-2004 MJ worked with the eminent, Korean scientist Dr. Mu Shik Jhon to make his book, The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key, available in English. The book, published in 2004, outlines over 40 years of Dr. Jhon’s research on the structure of water.

MJ’s background in the natural sciences gives her an understanding of chemistry, biology, and quantum physics; her ability to explain the complex in simple terms makes her writing easy and enjoyable to read.

Melanie Evans:
Some of Melanie’s earliest childhood memories are of connecting with the Earth’s elements and to the natural systems that maintain balance on the planet. She remembers being at the ocean as a 3-year-old and of understanding the life force held there. Even at that age, she experienced a “knowing” that the ocean was the origin of life. Melanie has always lived close to a body of water. She has spent many hours “listening”—merging with water in a way similar to the way Viktor Schauberger described merging with water’s consciousness in the Austrian forest. To Melanie, water is a kindred spirit; it is our connection with Spirit and our pathway to higher consciousness.

Melanie uses her intuitive abilities as a practitioner in the healing arts. This has provided many opportunities for her to witness the interplay between the forces in nature and human biology. She can’t wait to have others join her in the “dance” she has always danced with water.

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Please feel free to check out these books and draw your own conclusions as to whether or not you feel there is any real merit to structured water. It seems pretty valid to me, but you're going to have to decide for yourself.  >
I think the Ultimate test will be to drink the water yourself. The proof really is in the water. If you are going to do this, please be sure to only drink water that came from the type of machine that is used in hospitals. The people who are distributors of these machines will be more than happy to share their water with you.

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